Our Little Corner of the World II
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Christmas Morning
Christmas morning was by far our best yet!! Of course I was the first one awake. It about killed me not to wake the kids up. I've done that in the past and it's not worth it!! We started with stockings upstairs and then made our way downstairs to see what Santa left. I'm pretty sure everyone was more then pleased with their gifts! I'm sad I didn't get too many photos, but I did get a lot of video. It was so much fun watching all the kids. Jude was totally into it and wanted to open all the gifts.
My dad made his traditional prime rib dinner and it was amazing! I loved everything about this Christmas! I know the kids had a magical day and that's really what it's all about!
Martin Family Christmas Party
We also played bingo and decorated ginger bread houses. The kids always love getting together with their cousins!
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve this year was a lot of fun! We picked up Mimi and Grandpa at the airport early in the morning. We then made a quick stop at Costco to pick up lots of goodies. By the time we got out of the store it was a blizzard! I'd been hoping for a white Christmas, so I was beyond thrilled to see the snow!!
Eleanor and Grandpa went on their traditional run to Kolers and even braved the outlets during the storm. Grandpa bought Eleanor a package of perfume and she was beyond thrilled! Those two have quite the little relationship.
John had to work on Christmas Eve but was home by 3pm. I made so yummy clam chowder and the kids helped me make cookies for Santa. Eleanor thought Santa would like a can of Diet Dew better then milk. Of course Amelia had to steal a few cookies.

The girls finished up some last minute wrapping. I love how excited they were to give their gifts to each other. Amelia picked out a clay set for Eleanor and Eleanor got Amelia a watch.
We had the girls watch a movie in our bed. Just before they fell asleep they heard Santa's sleigh bells ringing outside!! Luckily, they both fell asleep pretty fast and Santa was able to come and leave his gifts!
I love getting photos of my kids sleeping on Christmas Eve. Its such a magical night! Normally, we leave all our wrapping for Christmas Eve, but with John being out of commission this year, I worked on it for a few nights before. I must say, it was kind of nice not having to worry about getting it all done. We were able to watch a movie and enjoy the evening.
I'd say Santa was pretty kind to us this year!! The kids got spoiled!!
Sunday, January 27, 2013
This week was flew by! We spent the first part of the week in Vegas with our friends the Shirley's. (I'll try to catch up on that post later this week). John had Monday and Tuesday off of work and Eleanor only went to school on W,TH&F.
Eleanor had a class party on Friday and I volunteered to help. Every time I go to her classroom I leave exhausted and extremely grateful for her teacher. That Mrs. Parsons is truly and amazing teacher! She has such patients and is great with all the kids. I love helping out in Eleanor's class and I need to do it more especially while she is still excited to have me in there with her! I know it won't be too long before it's not cool to have your mom there! On Friday night she got to have her first friend spend the night. She and Lilly were beyond excited!! I let them go with me to Maverick to load up on candy and Slurpee's. They also got to rent their own Redbox. The little stinks stayed up past 12. I'm so glad Eleanor has such a good friend just close! They seriously play together every chance they get!!
Amelia asks everyday if it's dance class. She loves wearing her dance clothes (of course, she loves the ONE dress I can't stand!) and is always wanting to be at dance. She cracks me up!! My new favorite thing about Mia is the way she says sorry to me. She gets a really somber look on her face and lowers her voice while saying, "sorry mom". Its adorable and she knows I can't stay mad at her when she pulls that on me, which is WAY too many times a day!
Jude. Oh I love this boy! He's quite the little show off and dancer. He likes to dance to any music he hears. His dancing is more like bending up and down and stomping one leg, but it's adorable! He's been a little sick the past few days and I don't like it. The poor kid has the worst gag reflex and throws up all the time!! It's even worse when he has a cold. No exaggeration, he throws up at least 3 times a week. Today it was four times. Makes me so sad for him.
John is still on his crutches. He went to the doctor this week and he said maybe in a week or two he can drop down to one crutch but really it just depends on how it feels for John. He also said that once he's off crutches he'll be in the boot for another month or so. I feel bad for John. I know it's killing him that our garage is turning into a huge junk pile and that our Christmas lights are still up on the house. I know we will ALL be glad when he can walk again!!
I started swimming again and I love it! I've been going with a few friends at 9pm. It works great because the kids are in bed. My goal is 3 times a week. I've also started back on Julian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Man I love that workout! My entire body is sore the next day!!
We had Savannah and Katelyn spend the night on Saturday night. Savannah watched all the kids while John and I went and saw the new James Bond movie. I know going out to the movies isn't much, but I so enjoy getting out with John! It's nice being able to have him all to myself. When we got home John decided he was hungry and the kids didn't want us home yet, so we took Jude and headed over to Johnny Rockets. It's kind of fun having it so close to the house and it's even more fun having a babysitter to do it!
The Paey's invited us over to dinner tonight. We got in a pretty bad snowstorm on the way over. They even closed down the freeway. We had a really fun night. It's nice when our kids play with the other kids and we get to just hang out. Wish we could get together with more friends more often.
Eleanor had a class party on Friday and I volunteered to help. Every time I go to her classroom I leave exhausted and extremely grateful for her teacher. That Mrs. Parsons is truly and amazing teacher! She has such patients and is great with all the kids. I love helping out in Eleanor's class and I need to do it more especially while she is still excited to have me in there with her! I know it won't be too long before it's not cool to have your mom there! On Friday night she got to have her first friend spend the night. She and Lilly were beyond excited!! I let them go with me to Maverick to load up on candy and Slurpee's. They also got to rent their own Redbox. The little stinks stayed up past 12. I'm so glad Eleanor has such a good friend just close! They seriously play together every chance they get!!
Amelia asks everyday if it's dance class. She loves wearing her dance clothes (of course, she loves the ONE dress I can't stand!) and is always wanting to be at dance. She cracks me up!! My new favorite thing about Mia is the way she says sorry to me. She gets a really somber look on her face and lowers her voice while saying, "sorry mom". Its adorable and she knows I can't stay mad at her when she pulls that on me, which is WAY too many times a day!
Jude. Oh I love this boy! He's quite the little show off and dancer. He likes to dance to any music he hears. His dancing is more like bending up and down and stomping one leg, but it's adorable! He's been a little sick the past few days and I don't like it. The poor kid has the worst gag reflex and throws up all the time!! It's even worse when he has a cold. No exaggeration, he throws up at least 3 times a week. Today it was four times. Makes me so sad for him.
John is still on his crutches. He went to the doctor this week and he said maybe in a week or two he can drop down to one crutch but really it just depends on how it feels for John. He also said that once he's off crutches he'll be in the boot for another month or so. I feel bad for John. I know it's killing him that our garage is turning into a huge junk pile and that our Christmas lights are still up on the house. I know we will ALL be glad when he can walk again!!
I started swimming again and I love it! I've been going with a few friends at 9pm. It works great because the kids are in bed. My goal is 3 times a week. I've also started back on Julian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Man I love that workout! My entire body is sore the next day!!
We had Savannah and Katelyn spend the night on Saturday night. Savannah watched all the kids while John and I went and saw the new James Bond movie. I know going out to the movies isn't much, but I so enjoy getting out with John! It's nice being able to have him all to myself. When we got home John decided he was hungry and the kids didn't want us home yet, so we took Jude and headed over to Johnny Rockets. It's kind of fun having it so close to the house and it's even more fun having a babysitter to do it!
The Paey's invited us over to dinner tonight. We got in a pretty bad snowstorm on the way over. They even closed down the freeway. We had a really fun night. It's nice when our kids play with the other kids and we get to just hang out. Wish we could get together with more friends more often.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Everyday Life
While driving in the snow I hit a patch of ice and slid just a bit. Amelia was in the back seat and started yelling, "rocking hell". Not quite sure where she got that one from!
Amelia has been really wanting to fly to Neverland. She can't understand why I can't just take her there. I tried to explain we need to have Peter Pan take us there.
Jude learned a new word: Boo! He loves going up to people and yelling it. It's pretty dang cute.
He's still climbing on any and everything. Right now he has 5 bruises on his little forehead. He's wild.
Eleanor and I started reading Harry Potter together at nights. I have never read the books and I'm loving experience it with Eleanor. She is really into and understands a lot more then I expected. I love it when she tells me she can picture how one of the character looks in her head.
Eleanor still loves her long hot showers in the morning. She's worse then any teenager I know. I think it's kind of funny!
John has been getting home at decent times each night and we are enjoying it. We all just wish he wasn't on crutches this winter. We have had lots and lots of snow and would love to have him take us sledding. (I keep saying I'm going to take the kids but it's been really cold and I don't know if it's worth all the work).
I'm just getting back into the swing of normal life. I don't remember ever being this behind on life after the holiday season. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I've been having to everything on my own lately. Having John out of commission has made me realize how much he does help out. The other day all three kids fell asleep in the car and we had a full load from Costco. Let's just say it wasn't fun unloading all of that on my own in 0 degree weather!
My new years resolutions aren't going as great as I would wish, but I'm not failing 100%. My main goal was to not yell at my kids and try to be a nicer, calmer mom. I can tell my efforts have made a big difference. My kids, especially Amelia, do not respond well to negativity. I find if I praise them more and try to talk nice, they behave much better. I still have a lot of work, but I'm trying.
I'm not quite on track with my weight loss goal, but I'm trying. It just sucks!! I really want my kids to eat healthy and enjoy it. I just wish eating carrots was as much fun as making and eating valentines cookies!!
We set a goal to do FHE each week and we are 3/3. We do it on Sunday nights and the girls really seem to love it. So far our lessons have been on Goals, Safety and Obedience.
As a family we set a goal to do an act of service each day. The girls are really into it. Amelia has cleaned the toy room 3 times all by herself. Eleanor was nice to a new girl and school and took Lilly some cookies when she was sick. John and I are trying to plan a bigger service project for our family.
My goal for this week is to get photos off my camera and onto the blog!
Amelia has been really wanting to fly to Neverland. She can't understand why I can't just take her there. I tried to explain we need to have Peter Pan take us there.
Jude learned a new word: Boo! He loves going up to people and yelling it. It's pretty dang cute.
He's still climbing on any and everything. Right now he has 5 bruises on his little forehead. He's wild.
Eleanor and I started reading Harry Potter together at nights. I have never read the books and I'm loving experience it with Eleanor. She is really into and understands a lot more then I expected. I love it when she tells me she can picture how one of the character looks in her head.
Eleanor still loves her long hot showers in the morning. She's worse then any teenager I know. I think it's kind of funny!
John has been getting home at decent times each night and we are enjoying it. We all just wish he wasn't on crutches this winter. We have had lots and lots of snow and would love to have him take us sledding. (I keep saying I'm going to take the kids but it's been really cold and I don't know if it's worth all the work).
I'm just getting back into the swing of normal life. I don't remember ever being this behind on life after the holiday season. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I've been having to everything on my own lately. Having John out of commission has made me realize how much he does help out. The other day all three kids fell asleep in the car and we had a full load from Costco. Let's just say it wasn't fun unloading all of that on my own in 0 degree weather!
My new years resolutions aren't going as great as I would wish, but I'm not failing 100%. My main goal was to not yell at my kids and try to be a nicer, calmer mom. I can tell my efforts have made a big difference. My kids, especially Amelia, do not respond well to negativity. I find if I praise them more and try to talk nice, they behave much better. I still have a lot of work, but I'm trying.
I'm not quite on track with my weight loss goal, but I'm trying. It just sucks!! I really want my kids to eat healthy and enjoy it. I just wish eating carrots was as much fun as making and eating valentines cookies!!
We set a goal to do FHE each week and we are 3/3. We do it on Sunday nights and the girls really seem to love it. So far our lessons have been on Goals, Safety and Obedience.
As a family we set a goal to do an act of service each day. The girls are really into it. Amelia has cleaned the toy room 3 times all by herself. Eleanor was nice to a new girl and school and took Lilly some cookies when she was sick. John and I are trying to plan a bigger service project for our family.
My goal for this week is to get photos off my camera and onto the blog!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
A Week of Instagrams
Last day of our lazy Christmas vacation.
Mia's true loves: poka dot sweater, tights, sparkly dress, crazy hair and candy!
Playing dance class with Dixie cups.
Closing ceremonies
Our exciting Friday night.
Jude's true love: balls.
My little sidekick
Eleanor and Jace.
First stages of organizing the toy room.
Back to reality.
Family movie night in our bed.
It's been really cold and I'm loving it!
First fight with a nasty case of pink eye!
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